We know the disadvantages of negotiating a project in BIM, because of this we accompany you in every step of the process


BIM exposes you to new challenges and business opportunities; success is in establishing a strategy of value.


We offer you operational security and legal guarantees in your BIM project


About us

Our team

BIMLegal is composed of an international multidisciplinary professional team of lawyers, experts, architects and engineers.


We offer companies and professionals quality legal services in the face of the new challenges that the increasingly competitive and dynamic construction market presupposes with digitalization.


Our professionals are specialized in the construction environment related to the BIM methodology and new construction technologies in order to provide the best legal technical advice in the contractual practices of the industry.

The Law applied to BIM

The Law applied to BIM could be said to combine a part of traditional construction law with the law based on new technologies. There are many questions that arise when we talk about BIM and its legal repercussions on projects.

What type of contract should be used and basic or ad-hoc clauses should be added?
What is the applicable legislation to a BIM project: public or private?
Who owns the Copyright of the Model?
What software, file formats and builds are the ones that will be used?
What protocol, standard or level of detail or development applies to the model?
What responsibilities exist regarding data dumps and data access roles and phases?
What type of insurance and vicissitudes should I add as a guarantee to the contract?
Who will audit the model, and how?
Who will manage the project's maintenance, and how?
What is the Model's level of electronic data integrity?
How to make a legal risk analysis of the model and suppliers?
In case of conflict or controversy, how should one act?
How to claim compensation in case of contractual breach?

In BIMLegal.net we accompany you and counsel you to make the best decisions.

Areas of Service

Construction Law and BIM Contracts

Constructing considering BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology and / or methodology in contracts entails expanding the field of analysis and public or private legal scenarios and its different actions, applicable technologies, stakeholders, roles and responsibilities, required qualities, data integrity in the different phases of design, accessibility and confidentiality of data and non-competition, execution and maintenance of a project, security permits, setting of protocols and standards, levels of development and details by stages, among other scenarios.

In BIMLegal we counsel you to detect these scenarios and to prepare the best contract.

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The Law for New Technologies

Working with BIM leads us to take into account new technologies. Many of them quite disruptive and possibly applicable in the different phases of the project. Such technologies are compatible with BIM; such as 3D printing, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D point cloud scanner, new software or hardware, blockchain among others.

Making a preventive legal analysis of the vicissitudes of incorporating technological innovations, compatibilities and interoperability into BIM projects will help us detect and prevent potential future conflicts and risks.

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Intellectual Property

Defining and knowing how to identify copyrights from the beginning is key in a BIM project. This will avoid potential future problems.
With our consel you could manage the registration of the Copyright or Co-authorship to obtain a proof for your work.
If your right is violated by plagiarism or misuse, we can claim the cessation of the infringement and demand compensation from the offender.

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Law of Unfair Competition

As entrepreneurs or freelancers we are always subject to the rules of the market and healthy competition. However, this does not exclude that third-party operators incur in unfair practices that alter he supply of products and services equality. These third parties, when they use illegal software for the development of BIM projects alter prices, generate illicit publicity by inducing deception or error, among other actions, generate an illegal practice that is considered unfair.
As we understand the effort involved in respecting good practices, our legal team can defend your interests against the unfair practices of your competition.

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Legal Risk Analysis

Risk is an element that accompanies all projects; Being able to measure it through a legal and operational feasibility study, and establishing a prevention strategy in the negotiation phase is key to avoiding potential failures.
At BIMLegal we analyze the BIM service providers for their operational capacity and the legal guarantee they offer in order to demand the best conditions in contract.

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Mediation and judicial or extrajudicial claim

Working with BIM does not exclude contractual breach in the delivery of qualities of the model or project, inclusion of incorrect data or exchange of information, breach of deadlines, professional responsibility, construction defects, hidden defects or defective repairs among other possible claims.
Our team can assist you in extrajudicial or judicial claims or promote a mediation process to reach a satisfactory agreement between the parties in the shortest possible time.

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What they think of us

With BIMLegal, companies and professionals linked to BIM will be able to access specialized consel to prevent potential problems or, once they have been raised, find the most satisfactory solution between the parties.

Pablo Daniel Callegaris RodríguezBIMLegal CEO

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